Coaching is a collaborative and interactive (partnership) relationship aimed at discovering the individual's resources, abilities and talents: from the talks between coaching partners (coachees) and coach, the former discovers through the stimuli offered by the latter what it needs to bridge the gap between the current situation and the desired situation.
The intervention of Youvolution starts from the identified needs and from the state of competence (at various levels) and attitudes that the customer wishes to achieve, working in an elective way on those behaviors and attitudes that, given the phase of the specific change of the organization and 'individual, it is more useful to implement to build effective interactions and activate the necessary resources.
An assessment is usually the first step of a training or development path, both personal and organizational. It consists in the use of coded systems and reality reading tools and has the purpose of photographing the current situation.
Within the well-known and varied field of consultancy, in line with the Mission, in Youvolution we focus on the aspects of individual and organizational development, integrating our expertise with that of qualified and complementary Partners.
There are many resources present within the teams and, in a broader sense, of the organizations, which hardly emerge if not when stimulated, aggregated and clarified through specific methodologies.
Our culture has attached great importance to dialogic techniques (based on the exchange or transmission of words) in the growth processes. The creative potential of the words themselves sometimes encounters limits or saturation points are reached from which it is possible to exit only by drawing on "other intelligences".