There are many resources present within the teams and, in a broader sense, of the organizations, which hardly emerge if not when stimulated, aggregated and clarified through specific methodologies.
This applies to the construction of decisions and the sense of shared adhesion (otherwise known as ownership) to them, for the search for solutions to complex problems, for the development of new lines of action, for the revision of the strategy, etc .; in particular when the subjects involved are many (from a few units up to the entire company system in the so-called "large group intervention") and the synthesis of different positions is a primary value.
This inherent know-how and wisdom needs to be made explicit: in a word, its emergence needs to be facilitated.
Facilitation is often confused with other, even neighboring, tools, such as consultancy, if not even with team coaching, but professionals in the field know that these are different approaches and methodologies and that the art of facilitating requires knowledge of the dynamics with which consensus is formed in systems, as well as the ability to balance participation and concrete results.
Involvement of the team / function / company system in a choral way in the process, with widespread ownership of the result achieved.
Synthesis of different positions (when not divergent), implicit or explicit, around a shared co-constructed point.
Clarity of the outputs achieved, at least among the participants in the process.
Enhancement of resources already owned within the system.
Speeding up of group dynamics too often "stranded" or slowed down.
If you have found interesting ideas, contact us to receive further information and design details. We will treat your data with respect and confidentiality, as we wish it to be done with ours.