What's this
Coaching is a dialogical approach to discovering the individual's resources, abilities and talents: from the talks between coaching partners (coachees) and coach, the former discovers through the stimuli offered by the latter what he needs to bridge the distance between current situation and desired situation. Each path is characterized by one or more general objectives towards which it is committed. These objectives are never defined a priori and can also be remodeled and better specified during the work, to fully correspond to the personal, professional and environmental situation of the coaching partner.
In Youvolution we are in any case accustomed to aiming beyond the "simple result" (which remains the premise and goal to aim for), that is, towards the full expression of human potential (not only therefore the punctual search for a winning strategy for a defined problem) and the reinforcement that a good goal allows to reach, when in its pursuit we allow ourselves space to recognize the great inherent learning opportunities.
We believe in an alchemy studied and created in a personalized way for each client between stylistic and technical elements that are only apparently polar: challenge and welcome, inspiration and pragmatism, overview and detail.
We know the effect of quality encounters, which, as such, are transformative, in the wake of the principles of humanistic psychology and the integrated vision of the human being.
Upstream, we recognize and take care of a solid anchoring to the ethical and competence principles prescribed by the International Coach Federation (, to which we fully adhere, both as regards the proposed coaching concept, and for the fact that all our coaches have an ICF credential.
What benefits it offers
The maximization of individual and organizational potential is the main effect of a well-structured coaching program, which, depending on the field of application and the work partner, is divided into some main specializations:
Executive Coaching:
Strategic conversations with top managers, board members, top professionals from various sectors, entrepreneurs and their closest collaborators. The work is often aimed at increasing awareness and access to options that can be generated in reference to decisions or crucial transitions for the individual and his reference system. As an example, some of the most frequent objectives relate to the field of strengthening leadership skills and attitudes, coordination skills and team facilitation, career-relevant decisions, as well as, in a broader sense, the development of the corporate system , sensitivity and precautions to guide the relevant changes and internal and market challenges
Business Coaching:
Strategic (but also operational) conversations with managers, unit, function and team managers, high potentials, individuals who face significant steps in taking on new roles and responsibilities or in managing functional, organizational and relational critical issues.
Team Coaching:
The customer is no longer the individual, but the whole team, seen as a system and led to discover and develop as a specific entity and different from the simple sum of individuals. We therefore turn to functional or purpose teams interested in developing effective and efficient ways of cooperation, towards achieving better performance and a more defined internal cohesion.
Group Coaching:
It is aimed at groups of people who can share both team membership, as well as the simple commonality of certain functions, experiences or objectives, as well as potentially being completely foreign. Unlike Team Coaching, the focus remains in any case always and as a priority on individual development. In this sense, group work allows individuals to enjoy synergies, interactions and exchanges with other participants, inter alia lowering intervention costs compared to the theoretical sum of a number of one-to-one paths equal to that of participants of the group.
If you have found interesting ideas, contact us to receive further information and design details. We will treat your data with respect and confidentiality, as we wish it to be done with us.