Alessandro Della Monica
His distinctive quality? Clients and colleagues recognize the ability to never give up and see opportunities in any situation. For him, nothing and nobody is "lost" and every person or project, wherever they are, has the possibility of achieving success, even if this can sometimes mean taking the streets and exploring unconventional solutions.
Founding partner of Youvolution, with a long international career as a business manager and executive in leading software, technology and management consultancy companies, he has been in the world of individual and organizational development for years, to contribute to the evolution - in progress - of management and enterprise towards more resilient and functional models in current times.
Executive & Team / Group Coach, trainer, expert on individual and organizational conflicts, change and leadership. Angel Investor and co-founder of Start-up,
After graduating in Engineering (Politecnico di Milano), a Master in Marketing Management (Bologna Business School) was trained as Coach and Team & Group Coach in Italy and England and, subsequently, he obtained a specialization in Advanced Conflict management (Psycho-Pedagogical Center, Piacenza); Accredited Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
To further contribute to the evolution - in progress - of the reference paradigm of modern business, he has been active, as a populariser and consultant, on the issues of Conscious Capitalism and Purpose-driven Enterprise in Europe since their first manifestations.