For Youvolution, Wellness is a journey, not a status.
Today, companies are facing phases of change and transformation that are ever closer in time. Regardless of the quality of the processes or technologies implemented, an organization's ability to deal with change is connected, first of all, to the level of energy that the organization is able to express and to the level of engagement of employees, closely linked to their motivation.
In the urgency of facing changes, these elements are often overlooked and the consolidated trend of companies is to focus on levers and external factors focusing on strategy, business objectives, processes and communication. Little or no space is dedicated to the development of aspects that feed the emotional and purpose energy, whose inadequate level is the real cause of frequent failures
At the most, companies implement engagement models based only on extrinsic factors, physiological needs, performance and skills, which, if they worked until a few years ago, are now no longer suitable to face the current dynamics of change.
Through a design of personalized interventions, Youvolution works on the contextual achievement of organizational well-being, adequate levels of organizational energy and readiness for change, in many ways synonymous.
The basic principle is to create favorable conditions first and then start and activate habits and new behaviors functional to change.
Change requires energy consumption; you change if you have enough energy available and the ability to activate it. Often changes in the company completely ignore this evaluation, with the consequences already mentioned.
In a time of continuous research to improve quality, efficiency and broad participation in the company-project, the ability to generate and maintain an adequate level of energy within an organization to cope with medium / medium-sized changes long term is a very valuable asset for today's leaders.
The experience of the last few years teaches us that in order to achieve sustainable and lasting changes, in addition to creating a clear Vision and well-communicated values, Leadership must be compact, expressing congruent behaviors with those required of the organization, supporting its activation on all hierarchical levels.
It is no longer enough to work on elements that nourish the extrinsic motivation alone (remuneration, benefits, role, internal competition, awards vs. punishments ...) it is necessary to work on the intrinsic motivation of the individual. There are 4 reservoirs of energy present in person and consequently in the organizations to which they belong: physical, mental, emotional and "sense".
In order to reach a broad and concrete adhesion to the change project, it is necessary to implement a system that allows to feed and maintain all the factors of intrinsic motivation at an adequate energy level, thus developing a spontaneous positive attitude towards change and creating a situation of Organizational Well-being.
We work simultaneously on Leadership and employees with techniques and approaches appropriate to the organizational level and the number of groups involved in the change.
We alternate sequences of activities designed for
inject a "growth culture" into the Leadership Team, understood as a set of shared rules and behaviors, on which to build internal trust and command and influence routines
train / gain experience on the most effective models and practices, with interventions aimed at integrating the intrinsic motivation of employees with extrinsic motivation, so as to generate and maintain a positive and productive level of energy over time, to be used for organizational and most valuable business.
support over time, through re-calibration and fine-tuning activities, leadership, reference teams / groups and all employees in the transition to the new set of behaviors, thus consolidating the new organizational energy levels achieved.
The program always starts with an assessment which, by framing the starting organizational energy level, allows to identify very quickly the optimal activities and sequences of activities to meet the specific objectives of the Customer.
Each step is constructed by dosing coaching and mentoring interventions, stress management techniques, mind-emotion coherence control, techniques and protocols for the treatment of physical activity and other tools for optimizing the energy level, as well as on-going monitoring and ex-post, supported, where appropriate, by Youvolution's IT tools.
what you should expect to gain
readiness for change - organizations ready to support frequent changes of any size.
turnover reduction
decrease in absenteeism and "presenteism"
reduction of the "generation gap"
development of engagement and loyalty
increase in productivity and efficiency
increase in employer and company branding
collaborative, generative teams open to innovation and change
creativity and openness to the new, to confrontation, to challenge
internal climate more favorable and willing to change.
better stress management and increased resilience.
pleasure in carrying out activities and tasks
sense of cohesion, mutual support and collaboration
positivity in relationships and mutual respect
growth of motivation
increased sense of belonging
openness to listening, acceptance and enhancement of the point of view of others
decrease in the approach to silos, we and you, my team, the other teams
pagesopen sharing of experiences, errors and successes
If you have found interesting ideas, contact us to receive further information and design details. We will treat your data with respect and confidentiality, as we wish it to be done with ours.