Model of change at work, the four phases

Youvolution has specialized in calibrating its coaching interventions according to the specific moment and the expected transformation, which is already present in the embryo but must be fed and channeled according to personalized guidelines.


1) From comfort to crisis:

Breaking a consolidated routine creates uncertainty and tension. Those who find themselves in a state of crisis can seek to fold back in comfort or evolve forward to the next stage: that of choice. It is in this TENSION, when the ground starts to falter, that solid guides and superior reading and relationship skills are needed.

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Focus: vision, resilience, flexibility, conflicting skills, recognition feedback, ability to strengthen a culture that infuses energy.


2) From crisis to choice:  

The power of coaching and other guidance tools allow you to capitalize on your learning within the heart of the crisis, helping the individual and the organization to reach a truly individual and individual choice: it's time for DISCOVERY.

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Focus: coaching, personal and system trust, identification of virtuous behaviors and their diffusion, maintenance of a level of support energy, decision-making skills of the individual and the team.


3) From choice to change:

Each transition provides a starting and an arrival state, be it a new organizational structure, a new culture, a new system of relationships or any combination of these elements. It is time to install the "advanced version" capable of responding to those stimuli that produced the crisis, from which thanks to it it is now possible to get out. It is a question of defining the desired TRANSFORMATION and ensuring its solid establishment and stabilization.

Proprietary paths

All work areas. The "engines" are at their maximum, because change is ready and close.

Focus: maximum generation of energy and its activation, driving ability, excellence in teamwork, maximization of interactions and exchanges.


4) From change to comfort:

Change becomes the new comfort zone, destined to lead to the next transition, in a circular and ascending evolutionary continuum. In order for this to happen successfully and without exhausting the structure, it is necessary to take care of the CONSOLIDATION phase, so as to create solid bases of ability and energy from which to face the next jump.

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Focus: installation of strengthening routines, management of consolidation, search for effectiveness and efficiency in interactions, enhancement of founding skills.


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