Laura Belluco

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Professional experience

• After a valuable professional experience in the field of marketing & communication, since 10 years I have been working as Executive & Corporate Coach, Trainer and Facilitator.
• Board Member of ICF Italia, the Italian Chapter of International Coach Federation, from January 2016 to December 2017.
• Executive Coach of MIP Coaching Academy, Politecnico University of Milan School of Business
• Trainer of “Voice Dialogue Training” – a junghian developing process – for Professional Coaches, recognized by ICF Global
• Associate at Youvolution Srl SB

Professional Focus
Leadership, Coaching, Team Working, Change Management, Cultural Adoption.

Main qualifications and studies

• Degree in Political Science – University of Padova, Italy
• Master in Corporate Communication (MCA) – Università di Venezia Ca’ Foscari – UPA
• Corporate Coaching Program – Diploma – Corporate Coach U
• Accredited PCC Member(Professional Certified Coach) – ICF
• Leading from the emerging future -TheoryU – Otto Sharmer, MIT Boston
• Individual Effectiveness – Certified Assessor (Emotional Intelligence Assessment tool) – JCA Occupational Psychologist – UK

Myself in a nutshell
I work as a Corporate Coach for big corporation and multinational companies in different sectors such as industry (hi-tech, TelCo, energy, building, engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical, business services – tour operator, advertising networks, incentive house, food, fashion, luxury, cosmetics).

I’m specializing in executive, team and corporate coaching and I deliver training workshops as facilitator on the development of authentic leadership, individual effectiveness, change management, team working, coaching skills for leaders.

I’m also specializing in the “Inner Game approach” of Timothy Gallwey and expert in the development of emotional and social intelligence.

Aware about the need to support leaders to face transitional challenge, I design transformational training experiences for leaders who need to improve their authentic leadership and their ability to manage complexity.

Very attracted by innovation trends and creativity, I believe that by cultivating an openmind and continuous learning I can keep on being a valuable partner for the Client I work with.

AssociateMattia Baldini